2022 World Environment Day – 5 June 2022


2022 World Environment Day – 5 June 2022

This year’s theme is; ‘’ONLY ONE EARTH’’ – Living Sustainably in harmony with nature

In line with MCM’s renewed strategy, we have heed the call to decarbonize where we can and we have lined up a number of projects which will help MCM to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide it puts into the atmosphere through its activities.  Some of those projects are as follows; increasing our investment on the use of Solar energy, purchase of electric vehicles, electricity smart metering for facilities, Replacement of conventional bulbs with LED bulbs, Installation of VSDs to manage maximum demand etc. Note that decarbonisation is no longer a choice but an obligation for every citizen and is the right thing to do in line with COP26 targets. All these projects will work towards reducing the mines carbon footprint thus making the earth a better place to leave in. 

In our individual capacity there is a lot that we can do to make this world a better place now and for the future generation and some of the areas you can play a part are in areas of pollution prevention, deforestation, having cleaning surroundings and generally conserving natural resources such as water and electricity.


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