Morupule Coal Mine joins the conversation on digitalization at the 13th Annual Institute of Internal Auditors Conference


Morupule Coal Mine joins the conversation on digitalization at the 13th Annual Institute of Internal Auditors Conference

Morupule Coal Mine is proud to participate in the 13th Annual Institute of Internal Auditors Botswana Conference, held under the theme “Embracing Digitalization for Enhanced Governance, Risk, and Compliance: Technology as a Catalyst for Success.”


In his opening remarks, Mr. Lovemore Katakula, President of the Institute of Internal Auditors Botswana, emphasised the need for internal auditors to adapt to the digital age. He highlighted that by embracing new technologies, auditors can significantly enhance their roles in governance and risk management, noting that the future of business is being reshaped by technological advancements, with internal auditors positioned at the forefront of this transformation.


In the keynote address, the Director Professional Certifications- IIA Global Mr. Emmanuel Johannes encouraged auditors to broaden their scope and make a greater impact within their organisations. He underscored the importance of evolving into strategic advisors, integrating cutting-edge technology with expertise in risk management and control systems. According to Mr. Johannes, the auditors of the future must position themselves as key players in shaping business strategies and fostering innovation.






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