Celebrating excellence at the 2nd Annual Olympiads Awards


Celebrating excellence at the 2nd Annual Olympiads Awards

Hosted by MAB Trust, this year's event was a resounding success, highlighting the incredible talents of young mathematicians. Our esteemed CEO, Mr. Edwin Elias, delivered a powerful keynote address, underscoring the importance of collaboration and innovation in education.


Mr. Elias shared, "At Morupule Coal Mine, we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation. That's why we are thrilled to partner with organisations like MAB Trust to promote mathematics education and inspire the next generation of problem solvers. Together, we can achieve so much more than we ever could alone."

He passionately spoke about the crucial role mathematics plays in our journey towards renewable energy, emphasising its importance in optimising efficiency and minimising waste. In his inspiring words, "Olympiads teach us to think creatively, tackle problems from different angles, and never give up, even when things get tough. These are skills that will serve us well, no matter where life takes us."


Morupule Coal Mine is proud to support the Olympiads with:

- Annual tours of our facilities and hosting training camps.

- Tutoring and on-the-job training, including coaching and shadowing by our engineers.

- Potential incentives for Olympiads, to be communicated as they become available.


We were honoured to have the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education & Skills Development, Mr. Peter Choto, who praised MAB Trust for their pivotal role in shaping the futures of brilliant young minds. He encouraged parents to continue supporting their children in pursuing STEM opportunities.


Here's to a future powered by innovation, collaboration, and the boundless potential of our youth!

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