Nuturing tomorrow's leaders at Lotsane Senior Secondary School


Nuturing tomorrow's leaders at Lotsane Senior Secondary School

Morupule Coal Mine joined the Lotsane Senior Secondary School community to celebrate the incredible achievements of their students. The theme, Mindset Change - An Embodiment of Academic Excellence, set the stage for an unforgettable Prize Giving Ceremony.


The Acting Head of Strategy and Projects, Mr. Petrus Grobler, delivered a moving keynote address that struck a chord with everyone in the room. He reminded the students that excellence isn’t about being the best right away—it’s about the courage to keep pushing forward, to improve a little more each day. His personal mantra, *God doesn’t create failures—live your dreams,* left the students reflecting on the power of believing in themselves and their potential.


During the prize giving ceremony, Morupule Coal Mine made a generous donation of BWP 20,000.00 as part of its ongoing commitment to education and community development. This contribution will go towards assisting the school in areas where support is needed, further reinforcing the spirit of collective growth and empowerment.





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